中老年病 肿瘤筛查
初级保健 预防接种
慢病管理 早期诊断
抽血检查 专科转诊
保健预防 综合医治
移民体检 绿卡体检
Book Your Appointment Today 网上预约联邦机动车运输安全管理局
交通部 D.O.T. 体检
国家注册局医学认证的体检医师 – 朱自强医生 Ziqiang Zhu,M.D.(国家登记处#3461311828)
- 卡车司机
- 大巴士司机
- EMT紧急医疗工作者
- UPS/联邦快递
- 商业驾驶执照(CDL)
温馨提示:提前做好充分准备,帮您简单快速无忧地完成 DOT 体检
- 体检前不要喝咖啡
- 如果您平时戴眼镜,请务必带上您的眼镜
- 如果您有慢性疾病包括糖尿病和高血压,请务必带上您的的药物清单(包括药物名称和药物剂量),开处方药医生的姓名、地址和电话号码
- 如果您平时吃非处方药,比如阿司匹林、抗过敏药,也请带上药物清单(包括药物名称和剂量)
- 如果您有过心脏病或有心血管疾病,您需要带上您最近一次运动试验的报告
- 如果您患有睡眠呼吸暂停症,请带上最新的睡眠检查结果
DOT certificate is good for up to 24 months.
Renew your DOT/CDL certificate today.
Call 718-888-0722 for same day appointment for your DOT/CDL physical with National Registry Certified Medical Examiner Dr. Ziqiang Zhu (National Registry # 3461311828).
The exam results will be electronically submitted to FMCSA on the same day.
When you come in:
–Avoid coffee or energy drinks the day of your exam as it increases blood pressure.
–If you wear glasses or a hearing aid to drive, please bring them with you;
–A urine collection is required so avoid urination immediately before your appointment;
–If you have any health conditions, bring the name/contact information for the doctor who treats you for each condition;
–Bring a complete medication list;
–Bring your current license and medical card;
–Fill out Form MCSA-5875 ahead of time to speed up your exam

美国移民局USCIS指定 体检医生–朱自强医学博士
To make the immigration medical exam appointment run smoothly, please bring:
- Report of Medical Examination and Vaccination Record (form I-693)
- Photo Identification (Photo ID) (government-issued) (valid passport or driver’s license)
- Immunization record
We will be available to compete the physical within 3 days.